All Communication and Media Federation (TIMEF) was founded in 2012 by bringing together eight associations operating in various regions of Turkey.


TIMEF has unified 17 associations, also including the Local and Regional Radio and TV Owners Association (RATSA) in a short period of six years since its foundation. Already representing 150 media outlets and 925 professionals, TIMEF aspires to be the most effective civil society organization in media sector. TIMEF develops cooperation in various fields for different activities to reach this objective. More specifically, TIMEF strives to cooperate with media organizations in 81 provinces for expanding the common field of activities and producing projects to enhance stakeholdership.

TIMEF has close ties and cooperation with domestic professional media organizations such as but not limited to Turkey Journalist Confederation as well as the international media organizations. Such cooperation let TIMEF exchange information and expertise and develop collective action at domestic and international levels.

The founding purposes of TIMEF areas follows:maximizing the coordination and collaboration among the affiliated media organizations founded to serve same goal in Turkey ; increasing the potential audience and users that are critical for public interestfor printed, broadcast, and digital media; coordinating relations between media and related organizations in public, private, and non-profit sectors; protecting the rights and interests of its members in domestic and international meetings; protecting shared values, social inclusion and culture of coexistence; contributing to the development of democracy and state of law based on universal norms; and helping the development of Turkey through its media network.

TIMEF has achieved various activities towards its goals and represented media organizations at different platforms. As a result of these activities, TIMEF has brought together the different segments of media sector such as TV and radio broadcasters, press, and internet mediaas well asconducting activities for diagnosing and addressingcommon problems of the sector.

Operating based on EU norms, TIMEF has also benefitted from EU funding for contributing to the collaboration of domestic and international media sectors.TIMEF will continue its works through disseminating its activities and developing collective action with EU countries.